Preventing Sexual Harassment


Course overview

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Preventing Sexual Harassment builds the right skills for people leaders to play their part in identifying, preventing and responding to sexual harassment and other unlawful conduct.

The new ‘positive duty’ requirements in the Sex Discrimination Act require a significant shift: businesses must take proactive steps to eliminate sexual harassment and other unlawful conduct. It’s not just about responding to incidents but preventing them.

This highly interactive, scenario-based course reflects the latest updates to the Sex Discrimination Act and Work Health and Safety laws and supports leaders to meet their positive duty obligations.

This course will help you to:
  • Understand what sexual harassment is, as covered by the Sex Discrimination Act.
  • Build confidence to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.
  • Understand how to offer trauma-informed support.
  • Foster courage to role model respectful behaviours that create cultures of respect.

Module 1  Your role as a leader
Module 2  Raina’s story: Preventing and intervening at a work event
Module 3  Charlie’s story: Identifying, controlling and mitigating
risks in a workplace
Module 4  Jess’s story: Preventing and responding, and identifying
and controlling risks, in customer interactions
Module 5  Taking action




1–1.5 hours

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